Skip Jensen & His Shakin' Feet
I've been recording myself for some years now and there was definitely something in that sound that I really liked. With some free time on my hands, I decided to record myself more seriously. I decided to do it right here at home, keep it simple and easy to do, natural. So I went in my bathroom and worked on my songs for hours and I came out with some recordings that I thought sounded alright.
I didn't want to only play guitar and to sing, coming from a rock'n'roll background I wanted some rhythm behind me so I decided to use my feet. Well, the truth is, I used what I had around the house and I bought a tambourine because I could afford it. I tried to tape a piece of wood to my boot, to amplify the sound of my feet taping on the floor and it worked out fine. So, here it is! My goal was never to have a one man band thing going on, I'm only shakin' my feet along with the guitar.
* The above comments are various excerpts from Skip Jensen interviews in Savage, Capinch and Nervous Action magazines.
Alphamonic -- Totally stripped down and desperately gone blues defiled by primitive rock 'n' roll and loud punk nature.
Blank Generation -- Great at creating that ultimate illusion, the central mythos perpetuated by the rock 'n' roll beast: the idea that something's actually happening. In your pants, outside, in the bottom of a bottle, wherever.
Savage Magazine -- One-man-band of greatness! It's rockin' and rollin' all over the place. This stuff influenced by one and all eras of rock'n'roll and the result is amazing!
© 2004, 2008 Delta Pop